Sunday, January 31, 2016

Great Balls of Wool!

Some sheep have wandered
 into our store...

are there any sheep herders out there?

If not we will put them to good use...

February can be a cold month in South Dakota...

we will make stocking hats
from their wool...

and dryer balls!

I repeat!  "From their WOOL!!"

Let's call them "Dryer Sheeps" 
(don't want to rile the herd!)

Replace those smelly, expensive dryer sheets
with hand made Woolly Balls
made here in South Dakota
by "the Crafty Ewe"

*shorten drying time
*reduce wrinkles
*decrease static
*soften laundry
*save money
*fragrance free
(or naturally scented with a few drops
of essential oils!)

"oh, and they don't go BAAAAAhd!

Check out our new line
of Sheepwares